Construction & Corona

Building Culture Report 2020/21

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The current Building Culture Report deals with the public space. Although the issue of Corona in particular has not been taken into account, the report addresses precisely those points that have shaken life in cities to its foundations since the spread of the virus. And it shows what needs to be considered.

Closeness despite physical distance
Home office, closures of educational and cultural institutions as well as shops and, last but not least, the social distancing requirement has changed life in cities enormously. After all, structural density and spatial proximity make up everyday life in the city. A significant part of this takes place in public spaces. The fate of street cafés, how we celebrate in the future, what the after effects of Corona on urban tourism will be and what effect the increased digitalisation is having on education, work and science – all of this is as yet unknown. But it is worth reading the Building Culture Report, because it deals intensively with the fundamental importance of public spaces for the city.


Public space & health
There is a direct link between mental health, heat and light abundance in the city. These points therefore require special attention when designing public spaces. Less ground sealing and increased greening of public spaces and more public parks not only help to address the heat waves exacerbated by climate change. They also soothe the soul and thus contribute to a good state of mental health. Light also affects our hormone balance. Too little light during the day is just as harmful as too much of it at night. Spatial planners are therefore called upon to consciously use light intensity and temperature.


» Building Culture Report 2020/21 as PDF


Glass helps
Creating closeness and at the same time providing protection, directing sunlight into and through work and business premises, dividing small city apartments into different areas and yet making them look generously sized and bright – Glas Marte has developed various solutions for all this:


» GM MARTITION® MONO MOBILE mobile glass partition wall
» GM GLASS GUARD protective shield
» freestanding GM MEET & GREET TABLE